Wednesday, March 08, 2006

6 issues of National Geographic for £9

Magazine Name: National Geographic
News Agent Price: £3.60/issue
Frequency: Monthly
Category: General Interest
Subscription Type: Trial With Full Refund
Contracts: None But Cancel After Receiving 3rd Issue
Free Gifts: None
Promotion Expiry: Unknown (Still Active)

About The Magazine:

Explore the world’s wonders in National Geographic… known around the globe for its compelling articles, and dramatic photography that portray the beauty, mystery and harsh realities of life on earth. With membership, you will enjoy an issue every month, including as many as 5 bonus poster-size maps.

The Terms:

YES! I'd like to subscribe to National Geographic for £9.00 for 6 issues - SAVING 60% on cover price. I must cancel and receive a full refund within 3 issues or my subscription will run on at the special rate of £14.50 every 6 issues thereafter.

Click Here To Take Advantage Of The Offer

Remember to cancel your subscription after you receive your third issue and receive a full refund. This means you enjoy a saving of £10.80 for the 3 issues you received. You get to keep them.